A Tabulation Of Our Goals by Charles E. Corry, Ph.D.

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Restoration of civil rights

Controlling domestic violence

Simultaneous conditions that must be satisfied

Eigenvectors and eigenvalues

Defining terms

Steps to reducing family violence




It is vitally important to realize that we don't have all the answers. In fact, we don't even claim to know all the questions about domestic violence and abuse.

We do know that simply blaming men, as is currently done, is not only wrong, but violates all we know about the foundations of civilization. What follows then are tentative suggestions that we believe might help fix the problem rather than the blame.

In judging these proposals, the following criteria are suggested:

1. Does it violate the civil liberties of any party without due process?

2. Is it good for the children involved?

3. Will it work?

Domestic and societal violence are inextricably intertwined with families and how society handles familial problems. A very large percentage of our societies' criminals, uneducated, misfits, and abusers come from fatherless homes. An obvious step then is to take immediate action to put children back with their fathers and encourage mothers and fathers to raise their children jointly.

The present situation where one-third of the babies in this country are born to single mothers, and an even larger percentage raised in fatherless homes, ensures that problems of societal and family violence will increase for at least a generation despite our best efforts in the present.

The faster we move toward the following goals, the quicker we will begin to see violence decrease.

These, then, are our views as to what is required if we are to fix the problem of domestic violence and abuse instead of simply blaming men:


Restoration of civil rights


The mass hysteria surrounding gender-feminist's version of the causes of domestic violence and abuse have led to widespread violations of the civil liberties of men and women. Continued, such tyranny will incite violence, rather than control it. Therefore, a first step is to restore and guarantee the civil rights of all citizens. We call for:

A guarantee that the civil rights of all citizens will be honored, including:

• The return of the right to be presumed innocent until found guilty by a jury of our peers in a court of law.

• The return of the right of citizens to be secure in their homes, persons, and papers.

• An end to police entry into a citizen's home without a warrant under any pretext.

• An end to warrantless searches of a citizen's home, car, or person.

• An end to warrantless arrests without the police having witnessed any crime.

• An end to warrantless arrests based solely on hearsay.

• An end to the virtually automatic arrest of males in domestic situations.

• An end to punishment that precedes a trial and occurs whether the party is found guilty or not.

• A return to due process.

• An end to warrantless arrests based on hearsay and vindictive acts.

• Arrest warrants that are only issued upon probable cause “...supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

• An end to holding a citizen without possibility of bond for an indefinite period except in cases of capital murder, and then only on reasonable suspicion.

• An end to malicious prosecution for domestic violence or abuse during divorce or separation.

• An end to restraining orders issued ex parte and without a full hearing of all parties by a magistrate.

• A return of the right to keep and bear arms unless, and until, a citizen has been convicted of a felony.

• An end to involuntary servitude and debtor's prisons.

• Crimes, including false reporting and perjury, should bear the same penalty without regard to the sex or parental status of the offender.

• Claims by the 'victim' should not be given more weight than the rights of the accused. If we “believe the victim” we must then assume the accused is guilty in violation of our fundamental right to be presumed innocent.

• An end to double jeopardy. A charge of domestic violence should not be convertible into a charge of domestic abuse for the same act if a person is found innocent of the original charge. Nor should it be possible for an alleged 'victim' to file the same charges in a different jurisdiction or court for the same act.


Controlling domestic violence


There are no simple, complete answers to domestic violence. Whether we take the Nazi approach of blaming Jews, or the feminist approach of blaming men, nothing is done to solve the problem. Conversely, our approach is to try and fix the problem, not the blame!

Attempting to fix the problem requires radically different methods than have been used to date.

In the physical sciences, one of the most successful tools is mathematics. In the social sciences, the use of mathematics has been mainly limited to statistical methods, but more powerful tools are available, and their use should be attempted.

Mathematics contains the concept of simultaneous equations containing one independent variable, in our case domestic violence, and two or more dependent variables. Any social problem, such as domestic violence, can usefully be stated in terms of a simultaneous differential equation whether or not we can solve the problem (there are many unsolved problems in mathematics).

If we state the independent variable as “domestic violence,” and review the work presented in this book and elsewhere, it is possible to derive conditions that must be simultaneously satisfied in a dynamic social fabric.

The justification for imposing these conditions has been given in previous sections of this chapter.

Simultaneous conditions that must be satisfied


1. Any solutions must provide for the preservation of our species.

2. Children must be raised by both biological parents.

3. Biological factors of females must be accommodated such as:

(a) age of menarche and menopause;

(b) sexual activity;

(c) physical limitations while pregnant and nursing; and

(d) territorial imperatives.

4. The paternity of a father must be as unequivocally determined as the maternity of the mother to ensure the father has an equal genetic stake in the survival of their child.

5. Mutual and irrevocable benefits must accrue to both the mother and father of a child for their efforts.

6. Both male and female aggression and violence need to be recognized, controlled, and directed.

7. Reliable means of recognizing and treating emotional and medical problems in both males and females are required.

8. The civil liberties of all, including equal protection, must be preserved.

9. The solution should be stable over time and allow for technological advances.

Eigenvectors and eigenvalues


There are obviously many possible solutions to the problem of domestic violence. In mathematical terms, what we seek are solutions that simultaneously satisfy all the conditions specified. Solutions to such equations are known as eigenvectors and the individual conditions are eigenvalues.

Note that we may need to specify additional conditions than those given above in order to make the problem tractable. Stating it mathematically, it is very likely that the problem of domestic violence is currently underdetermined. That is to say we simply don't know all the parameters.

To date the gender feminist solution has been to blame males for everything and pass ironhanded laws in a futile attempt to force society to conform to their ideology. We believe the evidence is clear that their approach has, and will always fail. Again in mathematical terms, what feminists have done is set most of the conditions to zero, or null values, in order to simplify the problem. While setting most terms to zero certainly is capable of providing an eigenvector, the solution is trivial, and of no value to society. Or in this case, of infinite harm to civilization.

Defining terms


However, in order to provide useful solutions, it is necessary to simplify and define terms.

Definition of domestic violence

First, the independent variable of “domestic violence” must be limited to severe violent acts defined as: kicking, biting, hitting with a fist; to hit or try to hit with an object; to beat up the other; to threaten with a knife, gun, or other deadly weapon; to use a knife, gun, or other deadly weapon.

It is simply beyond the capability of government or individuals to regulate behavior at any finer granularity.

Likewise, emotional abuse among individuals and couples cannot be regulated by government without invoking a cure that is worse than the disease.

Present attempts at controlling domestic violence are failing, in part, by attempting too much. Politics is the art of compromise and to attempt the impossible is to fail completely.

Use the Constitution as a constraint

Secondly, there is a well-established and tested social compact in place that provides for the protection of civil liberties and equal protection of citizens. That, of course, is the Constitution of the United States. That document then defines the conditions for § 8 above.

Unfortunately, civil rights were set aside by feminist zeal and it is necessary to restore these liberties in order to solve our problem. If we accept the Constitution, we define as constants many of the eigenvalues required for a solution to domestic violence.

An evolving attempt at solving for an eigenvector and the remaining eigenvalues for the conditions stated above is given in the next section.


Steps to reducing family violence


1. As a matter of principle, the State should declare that its primary interest is with the children, who are its future.

2. Given that a primary interest of the State is with a child's development, thousands of years of experience shows that children develop best when reared by both their father and mother. That must be a primary goal of State support. If accepted, that provides an eigenvalue for § 2.

3. For every child a voluntary, but irrevocable contract should exist between the father and mother spelling out their obligations during the first 18 years of their youngest child's life. The State should ensure that such contracts meet minimum requirements in such areas as health care but not enforce a standard contract on all parents. In particular, religious beliefs of the couple would be a matter for the individuals to incorporate into the contract. The State would also keep a copy of the contract on record as it presently does with birth certificates. Such individual contracts would provide eigenvalues for § 5.

4. Paternity should be determined by the best available method for every child, without exception. That requires some modification to the Colorado Uniform Parentage Act of 1998 C.R.S. § 19-4-101 et seq. That provides an eigenvalue for § 4.

5. A man should have the same right to opt out of paternity that women currently exercise in opting out of maternity. If a woman bears a child that the father does not contractually agree to voluntarily after paternity is unequivocally established, then that man is legally free of all obligations to the woman or child.

6. It is in the best interest of the State to take all reasonable measures to encourage couples with children to live together while the children are developing. Medical evaluations, counseling, mediation, and parental education by adequately-trained medical doctors and negotiators are common-sense steps the State might take where there is conflict between the parents. Such steps would be a step in the direction of finding eigenvalues for § 7.

7. Joint custody of children should be defined as a birth-contract condition in the event of parental separation to avoid anyone using domestic violence and physical or sexual abuse charges in separation and custody battles.

8. Support for children of parents who separate would be specified in the birth contract and would be paid directly to the support of the child(ren) rather than to the custodial parent or to the State.

9. When parents separate while their children are minors, the right of first refusal of full custody would go to the party being left.

10. In a separation, the person petitioning for separation is the one to leave the home. The only exception would be if the home was owned as premarital property by the petitioner. To minimize the trauma for any children of the couple, they would remain in the home. Joint custody would be assured but the custodial parent would automatically be the parent who does not file for separation.

11. Parents who live apart or single mothers would not receive State support or sanction for the damage they are doing their children.

12. The State would not provide support for a single woman and her child except in cases where the known father is dead or incapacitated. We are not suggesting imposed abortions but fatherless children have repeatedly been shown to be an unacceptable risk to society and the State should not sanction unbridled breeding by financially supporting it.

13. In cases where a single parent could not support her child, as evidenced by neglect or abuse, the child would be placed for adoption or, as a last resort, become a ward of the State.

14. A woman who bore a second child of indeterminate or involuntary paternity would be subject to sterilization when the second child was born. Sterilization is preferable to infanticide or baby baskets at the fire station for unwanted children as is currently being condoned or proposed.

15. Similarly, a man who fathered two children he refused to accept responsibility for would also be subject to sterilization.

16. The marital relations of a man and woman are a matter for the couple's religious and personal beliefs and should not be subject to State interference or regulation. Property, and other arrangements between a childless couple should be defined by contract when necessary.

17. Equal rights and responsibilities must be required for men and women and an end made to the gender discrimination that is destroying us at present. One approach to that is passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

18. Laws must be based on common sense and common law rather than whether or not two people have had a sexual relationship.

19. Education of women as to the dangers of provoking a dangerous animal is required.

20. No one committing adultery should be able to use the law to cover or protect themselves from their actions, or to punish the innocent party.



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Last modified 2/5/25