Sixteenth Judicial District — Bent, Crowley, and Otero Counties

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Bent County Courthouse

725 Bent Avenue

Las Animas, Colorado 81054

Crowley County Courthouse

110 East Sixth Street

Ordway, Colorado 81063

Otero County Courthouse

13 West Third Street

County Court Room 105

District Court Room 207

La Junta, Colorado 81050

In 2012 the Equal Justice Foundation began a rating system of justices standing for retention based on the votes of attorneys who submit responses to surveys sent to them by the Judicial Performance Review Commission. The idea was first put forward by the Rocky Mountain News in an October 13, 2002, editorial. Whether a “Retain” or “Do Not Retain” is recommended is based on the criteria:

Retain: More than 85% of attorneys voted to retain;

Marginal: in 2012 the standard was that only 80-85% of attorneys voted to retain. In 2014 review this was broadened to 75-85% and in 2018 the standard was expanded again to 71-85% of attorneys voted to retain;

Do Not Retain: In 2012 the standard was less than 80% of attorneys voted to retain. In 2014 review this was changed to <75% of attorneys voted to retain and in 2018 this was lowered even further to less than or equal <=70% suggesting judicial standards continue to decline.

    Table 31: Sixteenth Judicial District Judges

Name of Judge


Case Links



District Judges

M. Jon Kolomitz


Became chief judge in July 1988 and remained in that position until his retirement.


Retired in January 2013 after 27 years on the bench but remains a senior judge and public menace as of September 2020.


Appointed district court judge February 1985.

Stood for retention in 2000. 84% Retain.

Stood for retention in 2006. 100% Retain.

Stood for retention in 2012.

EJF recommendation: 95% Retain

98 CV 54

To grant the winner's motions, Judge Kolomitz totally violated Partnership and Colorado Title Conveyance laws. But no problem! What could the 80-year-old woman do to stop him from entering lawless orders in favor of her opponent? Once she was wiped out financially and rendered homeless she had no money or strength to complain about it.

Mark A. MacDonnell

Chief Judge

Division: A

Water Division 2 Alternate Judge


Judge MacDonnell's ratings have been quite inconsistent over the years and are now very low for a chief judge.


Promoted to district court and chief judge in February 2013.


Appointed county court judge in October 1993. Prior experience as a county attorney.

Stood for retention in 2000. Only 75+% of attorneys recommended he be retained.

Stood for retention in 2004. 90% Retain.

Stood for retention in 2008. 100% Retain.

Stood for retention in 2012.

EJF recommendation: 90% Retain

Appointed district court and chief judge in February 2013 by Gov. Hickenlooper.

Stood for retention as district judge in 2016.

EJF recommendation: 78% Marginal

Stood for retention again in 2022.

EJF recommendation: Do Not Retain

This time only a pathetic 67% of attorneys voted to Retain and 11% voted Do Not Retain.

Michael Andrew Schiferl

Otero County


One of only two judges the judicial review commission posted a Do Not Retain finding for in 2016. Commission noted he does not accept constructive criticism and is not receptive to suggestions for positive change and development.


Retired July 2, 2022, and good riddance.


Appointed district court judge in 2002.

Stood for retention in 2004. 94% Retain.

Stood for retention in 2010. 76% Retain

EJF recommendation: Do Not Retain

Stood for retention again in 2016.

EJF recommendation: Do Not Retain

55% Retain, 40% Do Not Retain

Samuel S. Vigil

Division: B


Otero County

Bent County

Crowley County



Promoted to district court judge on June 10, 2022, by Gov. Polis. Previously a county court judges.

Appointed county judge in February 2013. Holds court one day a week.

Stood for retention in 2016. 71% Retain

EJF recommendation: Do Not Retain

Stood for retention in 2020 as county court judge.

EJF recommendation: 100% Retain

Stood for retention in 2024.

EJF recommendation: Retain

100% of attorneys again voted to Retain!


County Judges

Jeremy P. Boyce

Crowley County

Division 1



Appointed county court judge by Gov. Polis effective June 1, 2023. Previously he was in private practice.

Lance P. Clark

Bent County

Division: C



Appointed county court judge by Gov. Polis on July 29, 2022. Previously in private practice.

Stood for retention in 2024.

EJF recommendation: Undetermined

Insufficient data.

William J. Culver

Otero County

Division 1



Appointed county court judge by Gov. Polis on effective May 1, 2024. Prior to his appointment he was the District Attorney for the 16 th Judicial District.

Suzanne A. Grant

Crowley County


Resigned in January 2017.


Appointed county court judge in 2007.

Stood for retention in 2010. Only 71% of attorneys recommended she be retained.

Stood for retention in 2014.

EJF recommendation: Do Not Retain

Did not show any improvement, only 74% Retain, 20% Do Not Retain

Mark A. MacDonnell

Bent County


Promoted to district court and chief judge in February 2013.


Appointed county court judge in October 1993.

Stood for retention in 2000. Only 75+% of attorneys recommended he be retained.

Stood for retention in 2004. 90% Retain.

Stood for retention in 2008. 100% Retain.

Stood for retention in 2012.

EJF recommendation: 90% Retain

Douglas R. Manley

Otero County


Retired May 1, 2024.


Appointed county court judge July 2004.

Stood for retention in 2006. 82% Retain.

Stood for retention in 2010. 95% Retain.

Stood for retention in 2014. 82% Retain

EJF recommendation: Marginal

Stood for retention again in 2018.

EJF recommendation: 86% Retain

Stood for retention again in 2022.

EJF recommendation: Retain 100%

Richard Medina

Crowley County


A lay judge without a law degree.


Retired June 1, 2023.


Appointed county court judge by Gov. Hickenlooper in February 2017. Prior to that he was a Crowley County land use administrator and building inspector and as a Kiowa County GED instructor. Also been a National Park Ranger and at DOC.

Stood for retention in 2020.

EJF recommendation: Undetermined

No data provided by judicial review commission.

Carl W. Ross

Crowley County


No longer on the bench as of December 2007

Samuel S. Vigil


Promoted to district court judge on June 10, 2022, by Gov. Polis.


Appointed county judge in February 2013. Holds court one day a week.

Stood for retention in 2016. 71% Retain

EJF recommendation: Do Not Retain

Stood for retention in 2020.

EJF recommendation: 100% Retain

Ralph N. Wadleigh (Atty)


No longer on the bench as of December 2007.



Deni E. Eiring

District Court Magistrate

Division E




Rodney D. Fouracre

District Court Magistrate

Division M




Sarah E. Zane


No longer on bench as of October 2022.



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This site is supported and maintained by the Equal Justice Foundation.

Last modified 3/26/25.