This site is copyrighted, supported, and maintained by the Equal Justice Foundation.
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| DV Home | Abstract | Contents | Tables | Index | Bibliography |
| 1 — Charged with Domestic Violence? | 2 — Protection Orders | 3 — Domestic Violence | 4 — Domestic Violence Statistics |
| 5 — Stalking | 6 — DV And The Law | 8 — Demographics Of Domestic Violence In Colorado | 9 — Male Perspective
| 10 — Female of the Species | 11 — Violent Women | 12 — Stories Of Violent Women And Abused Men In Colorado |
| 13 — Women Who Killed Their Partners In Colorado | 14 — Applicable Colorado Laws | 15 — Social Goals | 16 — Other Sources For Help |
General information about Colorado courts can be found here. However, the Equal Justice Foundation is more interested in specific behavior, both good and bad, of courts and the judges who sit on the benches in those courts. In the following list first find the judicial district or county you live in, or are interested in, then click on that district. Then search for a particular judge or for the judicial records that we know about in that district.
We are actively seeking additional stories and documentation about Colorado judges. So if you, or someone you know has had a problem with a judge we would like to hear from you.